Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Big Big Man

OK, I lost all my friends talking about dogs. Now I will lose the rest. It is time to talk religion.

I used to be medium sized when I was seven or eight and prayed to be tall. I made no crazy promises like I would crawl on my knees to Rome if it happened, but I went to church a lot.

Then I grew. But God is tricky. He made me not just tall, but taller than anyone I knew, He made me taller than the doors in my house. He stuck my head in the firesprinklers in the ceiling and got me stitches in my head. He bumped my head on trees. He probably laughed a lot.

I prayed to shrink a little. Just enough to fit in my bed. No dice. No moneyback returns on prayers.

Religion is something you have to be careful with. God picks and chooses and sometimes seems to just be fooling around. So pray. But not too much. Remember that.

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