Now adults have dogs and kids are way too busy for a dog.
Back then, kids had big dogs to protect them (the parents said) and to keep them busy when they were out prowling around together. Moms liked kids to go out and play (and get out of their hair). Dogs knew how to play.
Now dogs have shrunk. They could not protect themselves from a flea. And they do not play, they go berserk. (At least the chihuahuas and their little poofy dog buddies do.)
• There were no dog clothes (OK, my sister used doll clothes on one once).
• There were no little poofy dogs--this breed seems to result from twenty-somethings living in apartments alone or at least without kids).
• There were massive dog lickings (on kids faces) but no smoochie dog kisses from adults.
• There were table scraps and dogs survived, not fancy brands that cost more than steak.
• There were food drives for the poor kids, not for orphaned dogs
• Dogs were animals. And they just died when they got old. No one knew why. The vet had antibiotics, maybe for a dogfight wound and that was about it. No surgery, just doggie bye byes when they got old age sick.
I am having trouble adapting to this new dog world where dogs soon will get the right to vote. So I must change, or they might cut my Social Security and give it out in dog chow stamps.
Welcome woofers big and mostly small. Let’s be friends.
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