Saturday, October 9, 2010

And the winner is ...

Sometimes an idea is so wonderful, solves so many problems, and is so right for the times, it just cannot be stopped: ideas like easy mortgages for the poor, the Snuggie and gun-carrying clubs at the mall. Great Ideas that make America greater!

The Poopster for America Prize (the contest searching for a new eco-sound, toilet-replacement) just received one entry so powerful that we stopped the contest! It was a game changer, a show stopper and the mother of all inventions, rolled into one. Just as we predicted when we set up the contest--your days are over Mr. Crapper and your tired old invention has had it, too.

Today, the Poopster Institute proudly announces the winner in its new millennium toilet replacement contest: NetPoop--the idea that flushes away all those tired ideas of street sewer plumbing, constant street dig-ups and repairs and local, inefficient sewage plants. Mr. Crapper was right for the 1860’s; NetPoop is right for today!

Just like you do for your dog, do for yourself. Get a baggie and pick it up. That’s the NetPoop way. Then the baggies are mailed to NetPoop Central where the methane that we collect will light our American torch once again.

NetPoop won because it not only makes our trillion dollar sanitary sewer network obsolete and unnecessary, but also chips away at two other troubling issues that we face in today’s complex, interconnected world :

• Problem 1: The end of the Post Office will come when NetFlix stops shipping DVDs and delivers all its movies online. Ten percent of the US mail will disappear. Mr. and Ms. Mailman and about 3 percent of the US workforce will start looking for Macjobs if we don’t replace a ton of crappy movies with something else. Net Poop solves that problem. Now the mailman has a pickup at every house everyday (if you are healthy) and he does not have to worry about losing his job to email or iPads.

• Problem 2: Contamination of our precious dumps with dog droppings is threatening out water supply and filling our landfills with evil bacteria. Who would have thought that humans would become a dog do-do service NetPoop works for dogs too. Now humans will be on an even par with their pets: baggies for all, two legs or four.

So you are wondering why it’s NetPoop, and not MailPoop. Because you get to check your account online and see how you are doing in the save-America-one-bag-at-a-time campaign. You log in and order your individually barcoded baggies (Don’t just take the ones in the park dispenser). Then you can check your creditpile as often as you want.

Now that we have a path thru this messy issue, we at The Institute are starting a new contest cycle. Send us your worrying issues and we will pick one for the next contest. Don’t fret about a solution, just sent us the problem. Our contest will get those all-American minds humming away, working on something besides loopy politics for a while.

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